In Judges – Revolt of the Righteous will Othneil, Ehud, Barak, Deborah, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Jephthah, and / or Samson deliver Israel from the hands of their oppresors? Will these Judges help turn the hearts of the Hebrew people back to the God of Abrahm, Isaaic, and Jacob? Will they unite Israel sufficiently to restore her independence, peace, and prosperity?
As the Moabites, Midianites, Edomites, and Philistines will you be able to keep Israel divided and leaderless? Will you support Abimelech in his Civil War? Will you dilute the worship of the One True God with your Pagan idols? Will every Hebrew do what is right in his own eyes? Will you throw fear into the hearts of the Hebrews, so they do not consider rebelling against you?
Judges Revolt of the Righteous is a card driven quasi war game with a map of ancient Israel that plays in about 5 hours. The Judges have to lead their people out of idolatry and into Freedom, while the Pagans have to stop them. Prepare for war!
As far as I know this is the only wargame on Judges in the world!
Game Components
One full-color 22″ x 34″ game map
One sheet of 1/2″ double sided round counters (120 counters) on thick stock
One sheets of 5/8″ double sided square counters (80 counters) on thick stock
One and a half sheets of thirty rectangular mounted double sided leaders with base
One Deck of 108 Playing Cards
One Rule book (with example of play)
Two Six Sided dice
Jesse Obed –
Unique. Game plays in about 4 hours. Group of players try to complete the rule of the Judges over time. Big card deck with lots of options and re-playability. Although the game goes chronologically it is an interesting design. Nothing I have ever played is quite like it. Biblically accurate individuals and events. See if your team can do better than the Judges did?